Last year I did a Top 10 of lawyer’s nightmares. The intervening year has not changed much, although there may be more emphasis on the failure of remote hearing platforms…
We’ll start with every lawyer’s nightmare.
Time limits!!
Waking at 4am convinced you have missed a limitation date; arriving at office at 4.22am to check file.
I woke up from a worrying dream about limitation and expired court deadlines. It’s 24 years since I was in practice. Then I found this…
(2) Moving on to a problem we have seen at every level, including the Supreme Court.
Forgetting to paginate your trial bundle
(3) Then we have the tricky issue of clients and disclosure.
Discovering late on that your client kept a detailed (unmentioned, undisclosed & incriminating) diary throughout the saga.
See… from para 312.
(4) The barrister’s nightmare – documents served late and being left to sort out the problem unaided.
“The witness statements were all sent a bit late – could you please make an oral application for relief from sanctions?
(5) The need to check documents before you send them out.
Beth Grossman
“Sending my skeleton argument to oppo or J with asides to myself (think this argument is a bit rubbish/insert law here) still in as comments”
Oh,the unqualified joy of finding a STUPID error in a document I proof-read twice!
(6) The, oh so useful, judicial intervention.
the usher – at 10.29 – giving you a transcript of the decision (his own) that the judge thinks is really on point.
(7) The worry that you have left something behind on your way to court.
No matter how many years I do this job, I will never escape the lurking paranoia as I drive to Court that I’ve left the brief at home
I stop to check quite often … then stop again to check I checked correctly …
(8) Meeting the living dead in court is unusual – but not unprecedented.
Inheritance dispute where someone turned up at a hearing claiming to be the deceased (turns out they had the same name)
(9) Worrying about exams (you’ve taken in the past) appears to be a common trait.
I have a recurring nightmare that I’m rdg for my Law degree & never turn up for lectures, tuts or do any work then dont sit the exam. Hell!
I have been having that nightmare since 1981
I have a recurring nightmare of sitting my evidence exam and being paralysed