In Asprey Capital Ltd v Rediresi Ltd & Anor (Re Non-Party Costs Order) [2023] EWHC 28 (Comm) Patricia Robertson KC (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) made a non-party costs order against a director of the defendant company.
The claimant had obtained an order for damages for £2,403,766 against a limited company, “Asprey” after a nine day trial. The claimant also obtained an order for costs. Neither the damages or costs were paid and Asprey was wound up.
The claimant then made an application for a non party costs order against one of Asprey’s directors.
The judge set out in detail the factors relating to making a non party costs order.
In particular, a number of cases have dealt with situations where, as here, the issue is whether to make an NPCO against the director of an insolvent company in relation to litigation pursued or defended by the company. In such cases, the principle of limited liability would be undermined if a director were to be made personally liable for costs in a situation where, albeit he is controlling and/or funding the litigation, he is nevertheless properly to be regarded as discharging his duty to act in the interests of the company (or, where the company is insolvent, the interests of its creditors) by causing the company to pursue or defend the litigation in question.
The relevant guidance has been usefully summarised by the Court of Appeal, after a comprehensive survey of the relevant cases, in Goknur v Aytacli [2021] EWCA Civ 1037 (Lord Justice Coulson, with whom the rest of the Court agreed, at [40]). I have substituted into the citation below the full references for the cases there referred to:
“a) An order against a non-party is exceptional and it will only be made if it is just to do so in all the circumstances of the case (Gardiner v FX Music Limited (2000) WL 33116500 (27 March 2000, unreported), Dymocks Franchise Systems (NSW) Pty Limited v Todd and others [2004] UKPC 39, [2004] WLR 2807, Threlfall v ECD Insight Limited and Anr. [2015] EWCA Civ 144; [2014] 2 Costs LO 129).
b) The touchstone is whether, despite not being a party to the litigation, the director can fairly be described as “the real party to the litigation” (Dymocks, Goodwood Recoveries v Breen [2005] EWCA Civ 414, Threlfall).
c) In the case of an insolvent company involved in litigation which has resulted in a costs liability that the company cannot pay, a director of that company may be made the subject of such an order. Although such instances will necessarily be rare (Taylor v Pace Developments Ltd [1991] BCLC 406), s.51 orders may be made to avoid the injustice of an individual director hiding behind a corporate identity, so as to engage in risk-free litigation for his own purposes (North West Holdings Plc (In Liquidation (Costs) [2001] EWCA CIV 67). Such an order does not impinge on the principle of limited liability (Dymocks, Goodwood, Threlfall).
d) In order to assess whether the director was the real party to the litigation, the court may look to see if the director controlled or funded the company’s pursuit or defence of the litigation. But what will probably matter most in such a situation is whether it can be said that the individual director was seeking to benefit personally from the litigation. If the proceedings were pursued for the benefit of the company, then usually the company is the real party (Metalloy Supplies Ltd v MA (UK) Ltd [1997] 1 WLR 1613). But if the company’s stance was dictated by the real or perceived benefit to the individual director (whether financial, reputational or otherwise), then it might be said that the director, not the company, was the “real party”, and could justly be made the subject of a s.51 order (North West Holdings, Dymocks, Goodwood).
e) In this way, matters such as the control and/or funding of the litigation, and particularly the alleged personal benefit to the director of so doing, are helpful indicia as to whether or not a s.51 order would be just. But they remain merely elements of the guidance given by the authorities, not a checklist that needs to be completed in every case (Systemcare (UK) Limited v Services Design Technology [2011] EWCA Civ 546).
f) If the litigation was pursued or maintained for the benefit of the company, then common sense dictates that a party seeking a non-party costs order against the director will need to show some other reason why it is just to make such an order. That will commonly be some form of impropriety or bad faith on the part of the director in connection with the litigation (Symphony Group plc v Hodgson [1994] QB 179, Gardiner, Goodwood, Threlfall).
g) Such impropriety or bad faith will need to be of a serious nature (Gardiner, Threlfall) and, I would suggest, would ordinarily have to be causatively linked to the applicant unnecessarily incurring costs in the litigation.”
Useful as this guidance is, this is, in the end, a highly fact-specific jurisdiction. As Lord Justice Moses has pithily observed, “there is now an abundance of authority on the absence of any need for abundant authority on the principles which should guide a judge as to whether to make a third party order for costs.” (Alan Phillips Associates Ltd v Terence Edward Dowling t/a The Joseph Dowling Partnership & Ors [2007] EWCA Civ 64, at [31].)
“Exceptional” simply means “outside the ordinary run of cases where parties pursue or defend claims for their own benefit and at their own expense” Dymocks at [25]. In the particular context where the order is sought to be made against the director or shareholder of an insolvent company, there must be some factor that makes it just to make the order, notwithstanding the principle of limited liability. The decided cases offer examples but are not exhaustive of the factors that might be relevant, or the ways in which these might combine in a given case to tip the balance. As the Court of Appeal stated in Deutsche Bank v Sebastian Holdings [2016] EWCA Civ 23 at [62]: “…the only immutable principle is that the discretion must be exercised justly.”
Funding, by itself, may be consistent with the director pursuing the proceedings for the benefit of the company. Equally, however, the absence of funding will not preclude the making of an order if the proceedings were being run for the personal benefit of the director, rather than in the interests of the company. Impropriety in the conduct of the proceedings, where serious, may justify an order even where the element of personal benefit is lacking. However, it does not follow that some lesser degree of impropriety is irrelevant in a case where there are also other factors in favour of making an order. Ultimately, it is not a matter of operating a “checklist” but an exercise of a broad discretion. Something that would not be sufficient by itself may be the feather that tips the scale when it is viewed cumulatively with other features of the case.
Whereas the trial judge may be able to deal with a s51 application very swiftly, that may not be as true where (as here) the application has to be dealt with by a judge other than the trial judge. It does not follow, however, that the application must proceed as if it were a mini-trial. The Court can in principle limit the length of the hearing, limit (or indeed not permit) cross examination, limit the parties to the “big points” and, where appropriate, decide the matter on the basis of witness statements alone, so as “to ensure that the application is dealt with as speedily and inexpensively as is consistent with fairness to both sides”: Robertson Research International Limited v ABG Exploration BV and Others at [16] and [40] (13 October 1999, Unreported, Mr Justice Laddie).
When deciding whether to make an order in circumstances where some of the relevant facts are disputed, the Court does not approach the matter as if it were an application for summary judgment: Greco Air Inc v Tokoph [2009] EWHC 115 (QB) [45] per Burton J. Rather, the Court must balance considerations of proportionality and justice, bearing in mind that this is a form of satellite litigation which should not be allowed to expand beyond reasonable bounds.
In most cases, justice is adequately served by the Court doing the best it can to resolve disputed matters on the documents, which it does on a balance of probability (Centrehigh Ltd v Amen [2013] EWHC 625 (Ch) at [41]-[42]; Greco Air at [45]). Whilst the Court has power to allow cross examination on disputed issues relating to a s51 application where it considers this to be both proportionate and fair, this will be exceptional (Greco Air at [47]). There are also cases where the Court has declined to make an NPCO on the basis that it could not fairly resolve the disputed issues on which the exercise of discretion would turn without more of an enquiry than it was feasible to undertake, in the given case, within the bounds of a summary jurisdiction (see, for example, Deepchand v Sooben [2020] EWCA Civ 1409 at [35] and Barndeal Ltd & Others v The London Borough of Richmond-Upon-Thames [2005] EWHC 1377 (QB) at [18]-[22], cited in Greco Air at [32]).
The absence of a warning that a party intended to seek an NPCO, given whilst the litigation was still in progress, is capable of being a relevant factor pointing against making an order, if an earlier warning might have altered the way the non-party conducted themselves in ways relevant to the exercise of discretion. If, however, the non-party is, objectively, “the real party” to the litigation, “the absence of a warning may be of little consequence” Deutsche Bank v Sebastian Holdings [2016] EWCA Civ 23 at [32] and [37].
The judge carried out a detailed analysis of the litigation and the role of the director in the conduct of the case. She concluded that it was appropriate to make a non-party costs order.